上海日泰家具制造有限公司是一家集开发、生产、销售、服务于一体的专业化企业。公司拥有国内先进生产设备和技术,配备一批稳定』的技术人员和专业生产管理队伍,拥有⌒ 众多系列产品,产品包括:班台系列、会议桌系列、沙发系列、职员台系列、椅子系列、前台、屏风系列、防火板系列、文件柜系列等。潮流、品质、创意、舒适、服务是日泰一贯宗旨。精益求精的技术,为客※户生产每一款优质、满意的办公家具。
※ 公司以*佳的包装及运输方式送货上门,安放到位。
Our company will get commodities properly fixed and delivered to your door in the best packing and delivering ways.
※ 公司设有专业人员到客户现场安装、调整产品。
Our company will have specialists fix and adjust our products on the users' spots
※ 终身保修的售后服务
Post-sale Service of Life-long Guarantee
※ 因产品本身缺◣陷,公司随时调换新品或修理。
Our company will change or repair the products at your disposal if they are defective in themselves.
※ 凡是用公司产品的客户,不论您◥使用多久,公司负责翻新,酌情收取▓翻修费及运费。
No matter how long your have used our products,our company will take the responsibility to renew them and charge reasonably for restoration and delivery.
※ 所有客户在选购产品时,都将得到一份服务保修卡。
Every customer will be given aguarantee of service when they are purchasing our products.
※ 定期认Ψ 真的回访制度
Regular and serious revisiting system
※ 客户永远是上帝,永远是公司的朋友。
Forever,customers are Gods and friends of our company.
※ 通过对客户邀请与回访,更加理解客户的心愿。
Better would our company understand the wishes of customers through invitations and return visits.
※ 客户的满意就是公司的利益。
The customers' satisfactions are the profits of our company.